Friday, February 2, 2018

Chiang Mai - Sunday Night Market Eats

Another new place means more food-on-a-stick! It was our first evening in Chiang Mai and the Sunday Night Market was on, so we headed out for some snacks.

First up was some shumai-like dumplings being sold by an amusingly grumpy lady. Nothing particularly special, but they were tasty enough.

They were served in a little styrofoam bowl - you need to be careful because it is easy to poke a hole in the bottom and have the sauce drip on your feet, as we found out firsthand...

Next up, some pork skewers:

I don't know what it is about the grilled meats in Vietnam and Thailand, but every single skewer we ate was super good.

We rounded out our snacking with a papaya salad:

This was the first time we got a genuinely very spicy dish in Thailand. I had to be very adamant with the lady making it, but she finally acquiesced and made us a salad that had our mouths burning - in a good way.

The night market got more and more packed as the evening progressed, so we eventually ducked down a side street to get away from the crowds. A stand was set up selling noodles dishes - we didn't try any, but I thought the setup was pretty fun.

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