Saturday, June 20, 2009

Fish - Sausalito

Fish in Sausalito

We suddenly broke into clear blue sky as we headed over the golden gate bridge out of an overcast San Francisco. It was perfect weather for lunch along the water in Sausalito, so we stopped in at Fish.

Fish, as you might expect, specializes in seafood. The place is casual, but given the location and their emphasis on sustainability, the food isn't cheap. Tax is included in the prices, however, and since you order at the counter gratuity is tip-jar style.


The menu has a selection of permanent offerings - chowders, fish & chips, sandwiches - as well as a daily selection of several fish that can be served as your choice of salad, pasta or on an Acme roll.

We started with a cup of their Portuguese Red Chowder:

Portuguese Red Chowder at Fish

If they had just called it a tomato-herb soup, I would have been completely satisfied. As a "chowder", however, it was a bit lacking - giving short shrift to seafood flavor. Nevertheless, it was still very good.

Next we had their ceviche:

Ceviche at Fish

I forgot to ask what fish were used, but their were at least two, and maybe three. We guessed halibut and tilapia. The marinade was an orange base, and fairly sweet. While I think I prefer the more standard lime/lemon as the citrus it was a nicely done and a fun change. The fish wasn't firmed up quite as much as I like, but it tasted wonderful and fresh.

We rounded out our lunch with one of their "fish of the day" selections - Monterey Sardines served as a salad:

Monterey Sardine Salad at Fish

It was generous portion of both sardines and salad. The sardines were great - nicely butterflied and grilled, and the salad was sparingly dressed with oil and vinegar just the way I like it.

Lovely day, great location, very nice meal. Highly recommended.
350 Harbor Drive
Sausalito, California
(415) 331-3474


  1. I sure understand the disappointment from food that has a listing that makes you think your getting one thing when your not. We love seafood soups around here and discovered Peruvian seafood soup in a tomato chili is heaven.

    the salad looks great too I have been craving sardines.

  2. I was there not too long ago and loved it. I would go there again even just for the view alone. Didn't order the same things you guys did, though. The sardine dish looks amazing.

  3. The sardines were really good. I wish we had someplace to buy fresh sardines. They are fished locally for bait, but I've never seen them for sale in any of our fish markets.


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