Sunday, February 17, 2008

Oaxaca - Season of My Heart Cooking School

This past Wednesday, we had a fantastic day hosted by Susana Trilling's Seasons of My Heart Cooking School here in Oaxaca.

It was a Wednesday class because that is market day in Etla, a small town outside of Oaxaca that is near the cooking school. We started off the day with a market tour that was well worth the price of admission alone. Susana was a wonderful guide, taking us through the market on a tasting extravaganza.

The actual cooking class itself was fantastic as well. We have far too many pictures for just one post, so we've broken it up into a series:

Tamales at the Etla Market
More Tasting at the Etla Market
Tetelas de Juxtlahuaca
More Cooking Class Dishes

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